Friday, July 21, 2006

Day 26

Ok so my plans for grinding not grinding on monday didn't exactly go according to plan, i did re-stock my vendor but then kinda got carried away and spent all my money on raws and ground upto 35th lvl.. and belive me when i say i spent it all :( before todays sales i had 2s left . hehe

Sales : 1pp 92g 2s

Box 1 - 1pp 62g 40s

Waxed Gloves - 5g
Waxed Bracers - 5g
Cured leather Bracers - 9g
Tranquil Ruckas Pants - 16g
Blackened Iron Reverent Pants - 19g
Cuirboili skullcap - 10g
Cuirboilli Bracers X 2 - 10g
Cuirboilli Boots x 1 - 30g
Tranquil Ruckas Mitts - 19g
Sackcloth Mitts - 5g
Sackcloth cuffs - 5g
Tranquil Ruckas Blouse - 19g
broadcloth cap - 40s

Box 2 - 29g 65s

Fright Imbued Ruckas Hex Doll - 14g
Virtue of the Regal dame - 90s
The young lads wit - 1g 90s
The Vigor of the regal sir - 90s
Etched Backpack X 5 - 75s each
Etched Backpack X 4 - 70s each
Maid of the Harvest Foliage - 90s
The young lass - 2g 90s
Boiled backpack X4 - 40s each

Played : 2 days 8 hours

Cash on Hand : 1pp 92g 4s